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Paul Ingram

Research affiliate at the University of Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER)

Paul is a research affiliate at the University of Cambridge Centre for the Study of Existential Risk (CSER), and former Director of the British American Security Information Council (BASIC, 2007-2019). He has authored a large number of reports and briefings on issues related to nuclear deterrence and disarmament, and assisted the Swedish Foreign Ministry in putting together the Stepping Stones Approach that forms the basis of the Stockholm Initiative for Nuclear Disarmament.

Content by Paul Ingram


How would humans react to nuclear catastrophe?

Most analyses of the effects of nuclear war focus on the impacts in terms of casualties and climate shocks. But there would be many second-order and third-order effects on political, social, and economic systems. Sir Adam Thomson and Paul Ingram write that it is imperative to avoid a nuclear war. If all such efforts fail, we need to understand what it would mean for global civilisation and what we could start to do to prepare.

19 June 2024 | Adam Thomson and Paul Ingram

The extreme nature of nuclear deterrence

While confidence in the stability of nuclear deterrence is hitting a new low, states appear to be doubling down on their bets. Ward Wilson and Paul Ingram explore the adverse effects of nuclear deterrence and write that it is time to reverse the slide into a new nuclear arms race.

16 May 2024 | Ward Wilson and Paul Ingram