Our Network Structure
We are a network of networks, with members spanning across geographic Europe. We bring some of the most senior former government ministers, officials and security experts together with the emerging future leaders of European security. The ELN has four core networks:
- The Senior Network, our largest network that brings together political, military, diplomatic, civil society and business leaders from across wider Europe. They hold different political opinions and preferences, but all subscribe to the ELN agenda of dialogue and are ready to contribute to joint development of solutions to the current challenges.
- The Younger Generational Leaders Network on Euro-Atlantic Security (YGLN), our group of emerging security leaders. The YGLN works to bridge the divide between Russia and the West by bringing together over 100 emerging leaders of 27 nationalities throughout Europe – including Russia and Turkey – and the United States to discuss the most pressing Euro-Atlantic security challenges of the 21st century.
- The Contact Group on Russia-West Relations was established to bring together current Members of Parliament, diplomats, and strategic advisers from across wider Europe who can deliver national and European policy impact on Russia – West relations.
- The New European Voices on Existential Risk (NEVER) Network, our newest network consisting of over 30 young Europeans, aims to attract, nurture and sustain new talent and ideas from wider Europe on nuclear issues, climate change, biosecurity and emerging disruptive technologies (EDTs), and to connect this talent pipeline with wider debates on existential risks facing humanity.
Our sister networks are The Asia-Pacific Leadership Network and The Latin America Leadership Network and the Euro-Atlantic Security Leadership Group (EASLG), an informal and independent group of senior participants from across America, Canada, Russia, and Europe that develops proposals for improving security in areas of existential common interest.
We are a member of The EU Non-Proliferation Consortium, a network of leading European organisations working on non-proliferation policy.
Additionally, we work closely alongside The University Consortium, six of the world-leading academic institutions in North America, Europe and Russia who run an inter-regional training programme for outstanding students. The Consortium was formed in responses to deteriorating relations between Russia, the US and Europe.
Previous ELN initiatives have included:
- The Task Force on Cooperation in Greater Europe, a select group of senior officials from key European states who focus on breaking from the legacy of the Cold War and focus on emerging political, economic and security challenges of the 21st Century. The Task Force is a partnership between The ELN, the Russian International Affairs Council, the Global Relations Forum and the Polish Institute of International Affairs.
- The Top Level Group, a cross-party parliamentary group in the United Kingdom, whose primary focus is the advancement of the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation agenda in Britain and internationally. The ELN acts as the secretariat for the Top Level Group.
- The Iran Network brought together senior experts from across Europe and beyond to monitor developments and deliver impact on policy relating to European-Iranian relations in 2018-2022.