ELN Senior Network member Nathalie Tocci interviewed by PBS Newshour
ELN Senior Network member Nathalie Tocci represented European perspective on Biden presidency on PBS Newshour
ELN Senior Network member Nathalie Tocci represented European perspective on Biden presidency on PBS Newshour
Sir Adam Thomson, director of The European Leadership Network (ELN), spoke to BFBS
The US is scheduled to withdraw from the Open Skies Treaty on November 22, against the wishes of a majority in Congress and on a questionable legal basis. Peter Jones argues the other Treaty members should “stop the clock” on the US withdrawal until the Biden Administration takes office.
ELN Policy Fellow Katarina Kertysova analyzed the impact of the US 2020 election on the US foreign policy and EU-US relations for TASR
As pro-democracy movements proliferate throughout the post-Soviet space, Europe and the US have had noticeably muted reactions. But should Joe Biden become America’s next president this week, he will likely take a more actively pro-democracy position in the region. The EU should start planning for this now.
Over 75 currently serving parliamentarians from more than 20 European capitals, as well as members of the European Parliament and NATO Parliamentary Assembly, have joined forces to urge their U.S. Congressional counterparts to take action on the extension of the New START Treaty.