European options amidst the INF clash of the titans
The culmination of the yearlong INF drama, beset with mutual accusations, now places Europeans under enormous pressure to address the ensuing security challenges.
The culmination of the yearlong INF drama, beset with mutual accusations, now places Europeans under enormous pressure to address the ensuing security challenges.
Former NATO Secretary-General and ELN Member, Lord Robertson of Port Ellen reflects on the developments and future of the alliance in its anniversary year.
On 25 January Alice Billon-Galland spoke at the “European Strategic Autonomy: Going it Alone?” panel at the 2019 Clingendael State of the Union conference in The Hague.
In a new article for Arms Control Today, Dr Katarzyna Kubiak analyses European perspectives on the impending U.S. withdrawal from the INF Treaty.
ELN Policy Fellow Alice Billon-Galland attended the Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies conference “Is NATO Ready? Collective Defence on NATO’s Northern Flank.”
On November 21-23, ELN Policy Fellows Alice Billon-Galland and Katarzyna Kubiak participated in the 2018 Weimar Young Perspectives at Genshagen Castle, near Berlin.