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The potential terrorist use of large language models for chemical and biological terrorism

In our latest New European Voices on Existential Risk (NEVER) commentary, Nicolò Miotto explores the potential existential risks stemming from the terrorist use of large language models (LLMs) and AI to manufacture chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons. In the commentary he explores how LLMs and AI have enabled terrorist groups to enhance their capabilities so far, and what governments, the private sector, and NGOs need to do to mitigate future risks.

5 April 2024 | Nicolò Miotto

Sounding the alarm on AI-enhanced bioweapons

In our latest commentary produced from our New European Voices on Existential Risk (NEVER) network, Rebecca Donaldson explores the potential of new technologies for security whilst minimising their potential for harm in the realms of AI and the life sciences. She proposes that more funds go towards the biological weapons convention, the creation of an Emerging Technology Utilisation and Response Unit (ETURU) and the fostering of a culture of AI assurance and responsible democratisation of biotechnologies.

26 February 2024 | Rebecca Donaldson

3D printing and WMD terrorism: a threat in the making?

In our latest commentary from the ELN’s New European Voices on Existential Risk (NEVER) network, Nicolò Miotto examines developments in 3D printing technology and how these advances in its efficacy and accessibility, as well as its relationship to other emerging and disruptive technologies, have changed the threat landscape in regard to terrorists potentially obtaining WMDs, as well as what governments and the private sector need to do to tackle these emerging threats.

10 January 2024 | Nicolò Miotto

Europe and Gaza: political pathways out of the violence

The massive escalation of violence in the Middle East has major ramifications for Europe, which has a long history of involvement in the defunct Middle East Peace Process. Jane Kinninmont writes that the long-term answer must be that both peoples, Israeli and Palestinian, need to live in the same small area under some political configuration that works for both of them. Here she explores what medium-term political pathway could lead there and how European governments can show leadership.

1 November 2023 | Jane Kinninmont