Contact Group on Russia-West Relations: China and India
This month, the Contact Group convened to discuss perspectives from China and India on the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
This month, the Contact Group convened to discuss perspectives from China and India on the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
Responding to a recent commentary by ELN Director Sir Adam Thomson, Yahueni Preiherman, co-chair of the YGLN, argues that using the language of a new “Cold War” is unhelpful in understanding current and evolving geopolitical tensions. Instead, he argues that the current Russia-West China-US tensions are less the result of an ideological clash and more reflect an adversarial security dilemna.
After President XI’s visit to Moscow, we asked our network members for their thoughts on what this means for the war in Ukraine and global politics more broadly. Is China ramping up its support for Russia or acting as a calming influence on a potential future junior partner? Read the piece to see our members’ contributions in full.
A new Russian offensive this year raises the threat of Belarus playing a more active role in Russia’s war in Ukraine. Even though facts on the ground point to this being a less likely scenario, decision-makers should prepare for the unexpected. The situation could change at any moment, with the risk of the conflict widening.
Three members of the ELN’s Network discuss how the Russia-West-Ukraine challenge might develop in 2023 and what other issues we should all be alert to in the coming 12 months.
On 27 October 2022. the European Leadership Network (ELN) convened the Contact Group on Russia-West relations via Zoom to discuss Turkey’s positioning on the war in Ukraine and resulting foreign policy relations.