The US and the Iran Nuclear Deal: Rejoining Is Wiser than Destroying
European think tank directors and founders from Rome to Riga issue a joint call to the US to reconsider its approach to the Iran nuclear deal.
European think tank directors and founders from Rome to Riga issue a joint call to the US to reconsider its approach to the Iran nuclear deal.
Anja Dahlmann, Associate Researcher at SWP, argues that an international regulation of autonomous weapons is needed and calls for a unified voice among the EU institutions and member states to shape the ongoing debate.
For the past two years the ELN has encouraged debates on the differing interpretations of key concepts and norms in Russia-West relations to identify how they affect Euro-Atlantic security. This report presents important recommendations on how to clarify and strengthen the non-intervention principle in the 21st century.
Following a conference bringing together 150 leading arms control experts and diplomatic representatives the European Leadership Network presents workable policy recommendations for driving forward 21st century arms control.
Steven Pifer, Director of the Brookings Arms Control Initiative, looks at prospects for peace in the Donbas and discusses Russia’s attitude towards the current limited implementation of the Minsk II agreement.
ELN Research Fellow Thomas Frear speaks at the panel discussion “The Bear Awakens: Russia’s Role in an Era of Uncertainty” at the Brookings Doha Center (BDC) on February 26, 2017.