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Time to engage seriously with the TPNW’s security concerns

Alexander Kmentt, Director for Disarmament, Arms Control, and Nonproliferation at the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ELN Senior Network member, writes that opponents of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in nuclear-armed states should stop dismissing the treaty outright. Instead, they should begin addressing the legitimate security concerns surrounding deterrence that are raised by its supporters.

4 June 2024 | Alexander Kmentt

The alleged use of chemical weapons in Ukraine: How the international community can investigate

Ahmet Üzümcü, Senior Network member and former Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) during the elimination of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile, outlines the steps the international community can take to investigate allegations of chemical weapons use by Russia in Ukraine.

9 May 2024 | Ahmet Üzümcü

Four ways to strengthen the enforcement of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights

In September 2022 Russia was expelled from the European Convention on Human Rights due to its invasion of Ukraine. Since then, the remaining member states of the Council of Europe have placed a greater importance on stabilising and safeguarding the European Court of Human Rights system, which currently struggles to implement its judgments and ensure compliance. Nikita Gryazin and Julia Glukhikh explore how to best improve the efficacy of the court in the face of these issues.

11 May 2023 | Julia Glukhikh and Nikita Gryazin

20 Years After 9/11: Why we must protect human rights while countering terrorism

The response to the September 11 2001 attacks significantly transformed the global security landscape and has had far-reaching implications on the rule of law and human rights. We should be careful not to sacrifice the very same values we are trying to protect in the fight against terrorism, writes Mona Koehler-Schindler.

10 September 2021 | Mona Koehler-Schindler