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The Women Leaders Podcast: The Middle East – Endless escalation

Ilana Bet-El, Senior Associate Fellow at the ELN, speaks with Jodi Rudoren, Editor-in-Chief of the Forward and former New York Times Bureau Chief in Israel, and Dr Roxane Farmanfarmaian of Cambridge University, Senior Associate Fellow at the ELN, and an expert on Iran and the Middle East. They discuss their own experiences of 7 October, their reactions to the war in Gaza, the implications for the media, geopolitics and the region, and the escalatory nature of the war following Iran’s increased role in the conflict over the past week.


South Korea’s dangerous sense of isolation

Tanya Ogilvie-White writes that South Korea is becoming increasingly isolated from its Asia-Pacific security partners – Japan, Australia, the US, and the UK – in the way that it views the threat from North Korea. South Korea’s regional security partners’ increased focus on China and lessened attention on North Korea’s nuclear programme, risks isolating South Korea and undermining proliferation norms. Ogilvie-White argues that heightened collaborations are needed to avoid this.

17 April 2024 | Dr Tanya Ogilvie-White

Is the bridge to peace in Ukraine too far? Principles for a future peace plan

Former ambassadors to NATO, Ahmet Üzümcü and Fatih Ceylan, look ahead at what a potential peace deal in Ukraine could look like. They write that neither mutual accusations nor wishful thinking can be taken as a guide to chart the future of broader European security. Instead, the focus should be on exploring peace by putting together potential elements of an enduring and sustainable deal that would ultimately serve the interests of global security.


The Women Leaders Podcast: Winds of change in Turkey? Decrypting the recent local elections

Ilana Bet-El, Senior Associate Fellow at the ELN, speaks with Zeynep Atikkan, a renowned Turkish journalist, on the ramifications of the opposition CHP party’s victory against President Erdogan’s AKP in Turkey’s recent local elections. Together, they dissect the state of Turkish politics, covering the economy, the Kurdish issue, the role of women in Turkish society, evolving political dynamics, and more.

5 April 2024 | Ilana Bet-El and Florence Ferrando

The potential terrorist use of large language models for chemical and biological terrorism

In our latest New European Voices on Existential Risk (NEVER) commentary, Nicolò Miotto explores the potential existential risks stemming from the terrorist use of large language models (LLMs) and AI to manufacture chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons. In the commentary he explores how LLMs and AI have enabled terrorist groups to enhance their capabilities so far, and what governments, the private sector, and NGOs need to do to mitigate future risks.

5 April 2024 | Nicolò Miotto

Why the Ukraine and Gaza wars mean Russia could now support a nuclear-armed Iran

Meir Javedanfar writes that Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Gaza war mean that a nuclear Iran may no longer be viewed as a threat by the Russian leadership. Javedanfar argues that a nuclear Iran could boost Russia’s leverage in the Middle East and divert attention from its war in Europe.

3 April 2024 | Meir Javedanfar

No future? Cooperation with younger generation Russian experts

In an excerpt from her new book “The New Cold War”, ELN Senior Policy Fellow Julia Berghofer writes that despite the challenges, the West needs to maintain certain channels of communication beyond the political and military level. Contact with a younger generation of Russian security experts, civil society activists, and political scientists is essential for a safer Europe.

27 March 2024 | Julia Berghofer

Ok, Doomer! The NEVER Podcast – Climate change: A hot topic

Listen to the third episode of the NEVER podcast – Ok, Doomer! In this episode, we explore climate change; the existential risk that the general public is most familiar with. Featuring an exploration of how the climate crisis affects politics on the local, national and international levels, climate change as a “polycrisis”, and how the world in the past has managed to unite around policies that combat climate change such as closing the hole in the ozone layer.


The Women Leaders Podcast: Democracy in peril? Navigating India and Democracies with Dr. Radha Kumar

Ilana Bet-El, Senior Associate Fellow at the ELN, speaks with Dr. Radha Kumar, renowned Indian policy analyst, public intellectual, and writer specialising in ethnic conflicts and peace processes, in an exploration of India’s democratic crossroads. From inter-ethnic tensions to political power plays and media freedom, the flowing conversation explains much about the sub-continent and the state of democracies far beyond.

22 March 2024 | Ilana Bet-El and Florence Ferrando