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ELN publications feature authoritative research, high-quality analysis, diverse viewpoints and practical recommendations to address current foreign, defence, and security policy challenges.


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Can the EU solve Nagorno-Karabakh’s emergency?

This weekend’s meeting between the EU, Azerbaijan and Armenia is timely and important, as there are real risks that the humanitarian emergency in Nagorno-Karabakh may be a prelude to wider escalation in the southern Caucasus, writes Jane Kinninmont. As the Minsk Group of governments tasked with addressing the conflict appears to be barely active, the EU role will be critical.

10 May 2023 | Jane Kinninmont

From Russia to Norway: Three scenarios for the Arctic Council’s future after the chairmanship handover

Important questions remain about future Arctic regional cooperation following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Next month, Norway will take over the chairmanship of the Arctic Council from Russia and diplomatic efforts are already underway to ensure the transfer goes as smoothly as possible. Gabriella Gricius explores three possible scenarios of what this Arctic Council could look like.

25 April 2023 | Gabriella Gricius
Drone warfare

The challenges of AI command and control

What do emerging and disruptive technologies like AI mean for the role of humans in war? How might AI-augmented human-machine interaction affect the role of human command in war? And what might an AI commander look like? James Johnson explores these topics and assesses whether or not we are moving towards a situation where AI-enabled autonomous weapons start making strategic decisions, as opposed to humans, during conflict.

12 April 2023 | James Johnson

Be careful what you wish for: Russia wants to share nuclear weapons with Belarus

The deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus would increase nuclear risks and undermine key nonproliferation norms, but it would not alter the strategic balance in Europe. For Russia, sharing nuclear weapons with Belarus might well backfire politically. NATO countries should therefore resist the impulse to up the nuclear ante.

6 April 2023 | Katia Glod and Oliver Meier
Flickr, Kelly Michals

Pillar I: Is disarmament doomed to stay the unfulfilled obligation of the NPT?

As progress on disarmament is stagnating, nuclear risk reduction may hold the key to keeping the pillar alive. Maren Vieluf writes that nuclear weapons states must step up and work tirelessly on risk reduction measures to fulfil their NPT commitments.

5 April 2023 | Maren Vieluf

Designing a new Cold War of our preference: A catch-22 problem

Responding to a recent commentary by ELN Director Sir Adam Thomson, Yahueni Preiherman, co-chair of the YGLN, argues that using the language of a new “Cold War” is unhelpful in understanding current and evolving geopolitical tensions. Instead, he argues that the current Russia-West China-US tensions are less the result of an ideological clash and more reflect an adversarial security dilemna.

29 March 2023 | Yauheni Preiherman