William Hill is currently a Global Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC. A retired Foreign Service officer, Dr. Hill is an expert on Russia and the former Soviet Union, east-west relations, and European multilateral diplomacy. He served two terms – January 2003-July 2006 and June 1999-November 2001 – as Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, where he was charged with negotiation of a political settlement to the Transdniestrian conflict and facilitation of the withdrawal of Russian forces, arms, and ammunition from Moldova.
William Hill
Global Fellow at the Wilson Center, Former Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova
Content by William Hill
Policy brief
Unrecognized Actors from Unrecognized States: Moscow’s Puppets or Inevitable Interlocutors
Dr William Hill, Former Head of the OSCE Mission to Moldova, examines the role of unrecognised state authorities in international relations and conflict resolution, arguing that their agency is a crucial factor for consideration when writing policy on Europe’s frozen conflicts.