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Network participant

Todor Tagarev

Former Minister of Defence

Professor Todor Tagarev was Bulgaria’s Minister of Defence (2013, June 2023-April 2024), a position he previously held in 2013.

Throughout his political career, Todor has served the Bulgarian Ministry of Defence as Director for Defence Planning, as National Armaments Director, and as a member of the NATO Research and Technology Board.

Prior to re-joining government, Professor Tagarev led the “IT for Security” Department and the Centre for Security and Defence Management at the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He was responsible for research teams focusing on EU crisis management and on the evolving concepts of security and served as the Director of the “Defence Institute” at the Ministry of Defence and as Editor-in-Chief of the “Information & Security: An International Journal” and DCAF’s series, “Security and Defence Management.”

Content by Todor Tagarev


Network reflections: What are the defence and security priorities for your country or party in 2025?

As we enter 2025 with the imminent return of US President-elect Donald Trump to the White House and war still raging in Ukraine, we asked members of our network who are actively engaged in their domestic politics what the defence and security priorities for their country or party should be for the year ahead.