Tiphaine de Champchesnel is a research fellow on nuclear deterrence and disarmament at the Institute for Strategic Research, Ministry of the Armed Forces (since 1st September 2017). She joined the Ministry of the Armed Forces in 2007, within the arms control branch of the Joint Chief of Staff. Since then, she has been in charge of nuclear issues (as a desk officer on NPT issues and then advisor on deterrence) within the General Directorate for International Relations and Strategy (previously the Directorate for Strategic Affairs). Before 2007, T. de Champchesnel worked as a research fellow at the Center on international and arms control studies (CESIM), where she was responsible, among other things, for the publication of a monthly newsletter on nonproliferation. In addition, she also taught at Sciences Po (Paris), within the Master of International Affairs, on issues of nonproliferation and arms control, and continues to give conferences in military schools. As a doctoral student, T. de Champchesnel is working on nuclear disarmament with a focus on the new treaty on the prohibition of nuclear weapons.
Tiphaine de Champchesnel
Research Fellow, Institute for Strategic Research, Ministry of the Armed Forces, France
Content by Tiphaine de Champchesnel

The United States, France and nuclear deterrence post NPR
In the wake of the publication of US Nuclear Posture Review, Tiphaine de Champchesnel compares contemporary French and US approaches to nuclear deterrence, highlighting their broad convergence but noting also some differences.