Tim Thies is a Researcher at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH). He holds a BA in International Relations from Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences and a MA in Peace and Security Studies from the University of Hamburg. His research focuses on the implications of emerging technologies on arms race dynamics and escalation risks. He is a member of the Young Deep Cuts Commission, a network of young arms control and disarmament experts from the United States, Russia, and Germany.
Tim Thies
Researcher at the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH)
Content by Tim Thies

Policy brief
Lessons from the past: Arms control in uncooperative times
Dr Alexander Graef and Tim Thies look at what kind of arms control might be feasible in the context of evolving multipolar strategic rivalry by drawing on lessons from the past. They argue that the US and NATO allies should pursue limited yet necessary arms control measures that enhance their security.