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Network participant

Ricardo Baptista Leite

Former member of Parliament and CEO of HealthAI

Ricardo Baptista Leite, MD, was a member of the Portuguese Parliament, where he sat as a permanent member of the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee.

Dr. Baptista Leite is the Founder and President of the ‘UNITE Parliamentarians for Global Health’, a global platform of current and former members of Parliaments, Congresses and Senates, currently present in +97 countries.

Having left domestic politics, Baptista Leite now serves as CEO of Health AI: The Global Agency for Responsible AI in Health, a non profit dedicated to helping countries develop regulatory frameworks for artificial intelligence in health care.

His studies have taken him to, amongst other institutions, Johns Hopkins University (MD, USA), Harvard Medical School (MA, USA), Harvard Kennedy School of Government/IESE (Madrid, Spain) and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (NY, USA).