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Network participant

Michael Biontino

former Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament

Michael Biontino is a retired German diplomat and arms control and disarmament expert, most recently holding the position of the Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament (CD) and Ambassador for Global Arms Control and Disarmament Affairs.

Ambassador Biontino led negotiations for the German delegation at the 2015 NPT Review Conference and subsequent Preparatory Committees. In addition, serving as chair of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) meeting of experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWS) in 2015 and 2016 and as Chair of the Committee of the Whole of the Biological Weapons Convention Review Conference in 2016.

In 2017, Michael was President of the Convention on Cluster Munitions and coordinated meetings of the Conference on Disarmament on the Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty and Negative Security Assurances (NSA) 2016-2018. Alongside this, Biontino organized a variety of track 1.5 arms control and disarmament events on LAWS, nuclear risk reduction, outer space, explosive weapons in populated areas and NSAs.

Beyond Geneva, Ambassador Biontino has extensive experience in security policy, arms control and disarmament affairs. He has served in the Department for Arms Control and Disarmament of the Federal Foreign Office and German missions in Iran (during the war between Iraq and Iran), Moscow (during Perestroika and German Unification), New York (during the German membership of the UN Security Council), Brussels NATO (during the NATO enlargement process) and Addis Ababa.

Content by Michael Biontino


The politics of nuclear disarmament verification: How to advance nuclear disarmament

Following the UN Committee on Disarmament and International Security’s call to ascertain the views of Member States on the establishment of a Group of Scientific and Technical Experts (GSTE) on Nuclear Disarmament Verification (NDV), ELN Senior Network member Michael Biontino argues that NDV, beyond its technical aspects, is an essential political element of nuclear disarmament since it builds the trust needed for disarmament agreements. In the commentary, he outlines the various ways that NDV can advance the political processes necessary for effective disarmament.

4 December 2024 | Michael Biontino

Protecting the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in turbulent times: Commentary collection

This commentary collection compiles 15 articles by 18 ELN network members and external collaborators as part of the ELN’s Protecting the Non-Proliferation Treaty project. The collection was originally published for the 2024 NPT Preparatory Committee.


Preparing for the 2026 Review Conference: Pragmatic steps toward an improved NPT Review Cycle

The failure of the previous two Review Cycles to agree on a final document demonstrates that the NPT Review Cycle is in danger of becoming dysfunctional. From a proposed Chairperson’s document to the need for informal venues to discuss salient issues, Michael Biontino offers practical steps for a successful 2026 Review Conference, beyond a final document.

5 July 2024 | Michael Biontino