Kimberly Marten is the Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Political Science at Barnard College, and a faculty member of both the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University. She is the Deputy Director for Development at Columbia’s Harriman Institute for Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies, where she served as Acting Director in 2012/13. Her research focuses on international security, corruption and patronage, and Russian foreign and security policy. She has written four books. The most recent is Warlords: Strong-Arm Brokers in Weak States (2012); the first, Engaging the Enemy: Organization Theory and Soviet Military Innovation (1993), received the Marshall Shulman Prize from the Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies.
Her scholarly articles have appeared in Armed Forces and Society, International Peacekeeping, International Security, the Journal of Intervention and State-building, Post-Soviet Affairs, and PRISM (National Defense University), and she has completed two open-source contract projects for the Pentagon’s Director of Net Assessment on Russian and Central Asian security issues. Her opinion pieces have appeared in the Huffington Post, and the International Herald Tribune, and she is a frequent contributor to the Monkey Cage Blog for the Washington Post. She has recently made guest appearances on “The Daily Show” with Jon Stewart, “The Charlie Rose Show” with guest host Richard Haass, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show, and NPR’s “Fresh Air” with Terry Gross, among others. She is a member of the PONARS group on Russian and Eurasian policy studies, and a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations.