Dr Caroline Fehl is Interim Professor of International Politics at Helmut-Schmidt Universität/Unversität der Bundeswehr Hamburg and Senior Research Fellow at Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF). She works on the role of international norms, institutions, and organizations in international security policy, with a specific focus on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament. She is also interested in the international politics of accountability for war crimes and grave human rights violations.
Dr Caroline Fehl
Interim Professor of International Politics at Helmut-Schmidt Universität/Unversität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Content by Dr Caroline Fehl

Taking responsibility: How NPT members can support justice for victims of nuclear weapons – and through this, the NPT
This week, the Japanese organisation Nihon Hidankyo, founded by atomic bomb survivors (Hibakusha), will receive the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize demonstrating an increased international interest in past and ongoing harm caused by nuclear weapons. While the NPT largely remains silent on the humanitarian and environmental consequences of nuclear weapons and the associated legacies of the nuclear past, Jana Baldus and Caroline Fehl write that NPT members can do more to further the cause of nuclear justice, and that doing so is in their own best interest.