Professor Taylor is a specialist on great power strategic relations in the Asia-Pacific, East Asian ‘flashpoints’, and Asian security architecture. He is the author or editor of 13 books, including The Four Flashpoints: How Asia Goes to War (Black Inc, 2018); Dangerous Decade: Taiwan’s Security and Crisis Management (IISS, 2019); and Asia’s New Geopolitics: Military Power and Regional Order (IISS, 2021). His writings have appeared in such leading journals as Survival, The Washington Quarterly, Australian Foreign Affairs, The Pacific Review, International Affairs and Review of International Studies. He is also an op-ed contributor to such publications as Foreign Policy, The Straits Times, Nikkei Asian Review, The Australian, The Australian Financial Review, The Interpreter, East Asia Forum and The Strategist.
Brendan Taylor
Professor of Strategic Studies and Head of the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre (SDSC), Australian National University
Content by Brendan Taylor

Policy brief
Operationalising strategic risk reduction in the Asia-Pacific region: An Australian perspective
Australia’s deterrence-heavy defence strategy may heighten the risks of inadvertent escalation in the Asia-Pacific rather than mitigate them, writes Brendan Taylor. This joint ELN APLN policy brief makes a number of recommendations to Australian policymakers to avoid failling into a deterrence trap.