Adnan Tabatabai is co-founder and CEO of the Germany-based think tank CARPO – Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient. As an Iran analyst he is consulted by European policymakers and businesses on Iran related affairs. Through his work at CARPO, Tabatabai has designed and facilitated track 2 and civil-society dialogue formats between Iran and Saudi Arabia since 2015. He is furthermore involved in a variety of projects at CARPO on regional security in the Persian Gulf region. Tabatabai is author of the book “Morgen in Iran” (Oct. 2016, Edition Körber-Stiftung). He is regularly featured in international media with commentary and analysis on developments in Iran and the Middle East.
Adnan Tabatabai
Co-founder and CEO of CARPO – Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient
Content by Adnan Tabatabai

Iran’s political shake-up and Ebrahim Raisi as president
The direction Iran’s new president takes will be shaped by the composition of his cabinet and his experiences during his time in office. The shift to the far right in Iran does not then mean that the JCPOA is off the table. There is an opportunity to restore it, and it should be seized, writes Adnan Tabatabai.