NATO Response to ELN Policy Paper
Statement by NATO Deputy Spokesperson Carmen Romero on NATO military exercises
NATO military exercises are intended to enhance security and stability in Europe. All NATO military activities are proportionate, defensive, and fully in line with our international commitments…
Response to NATO Statement on ELN Report
The ELN response to NATO Deputy Spokesperson Carmen Romero’s statement on the ELN reportPreparing for the Worst.
International Media Coverage
Russia and Nato training for war with each other, say analysts
Financial Times
Polish special forces take part in a Nato exercise of the high-readiness task force in June 2015 in Zagan, Poland. Troops from Germany, Norway, Belgium, Poland, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Belgium were among those taking part. Russia and Nato …
BBC World Service
ELN Director Ian Kearns discussed the ELN research with the BBC World Service (interview starts 09:05) …
Россия и НАТО повышают вероятность противника Аналитики увидели в учениях угрозу реального военного столкновения в Европе
… эксперты исследовательского центра European Leadership Network, проанализировавшие два значимых… авторитетного аналитического центра European Leadership Network (ELN) вышел под…
Konflikt zwischen Russland und Nato: Militärmanöver könnten Eskalation provozieren
Der Spiegel
Kriegsschiffe in der Ostsee, Kampfjets in der Luft: Seit Beginn der Ukraine-Krise haben Russland auf der einen Seite und die Nato-Staaten…
Report states that NATO-Russia war games fuel tensions in Europe
Deutsche Welle
Military drills conducted by Russia and NATO show that “each side is training with the other side’s capabilities and most likely war plans in mind,” the London-based European Leadership Network (ELN) said in a report published on Wednesday. “Russia is …
Tenketank frykter konsekvensene av flere og større militærøvelser
Aftenposten Online
Det økende omfanget av russiske og NATO-ledede militærøvelser er bekymringsfullt. De bidrar å opprettholde den spente situasjonen i Europa, sier Lukasz Kulesa, forskningsleder i European Leadership Network….
Think Tank Warns NATO Exercises May Increase Conflict Chances
Wall Street Journal (blog)
For months, U.S. and allied officials have been insisting that a stepped-up schedule of military exercises is necessary not just to reassure Eastern European nations bordering Russia, but also to deter aggression from Moscow. But a new paper by the …
3 maps that show the military concerns for both Russia and NATO
Washington Post
MOSCOW – The Russian military exercises this March spanned the nation’s vast territory – from the high north, far above the Arctic Circle, all the way to territories near Japan. Massive NATO drills a few months later pulled thousands of troops across …
Russia and Nato war games increase risk of real clash, report says
The Guardian
Ukrainian, US and Lithuanian soldiers gather for joint military exercises in Yavoriv training ground, near the western Ukrainian city of Lviv…
Ukraine surge in fighting violates ceasefire – EU
BBC News
….Meanwhile a London-based think tank released a report on Wednesday warning that an increase in military exercises by Russia and Nato in and around the Baltic states and Poland raised the threat of armed conflict in Europe…
Аналитики: учения НАТО и России говорят о подготовке к противостоянию
Ria Novosti
Эксперты European Leadership Network отмечают, что НАТО и Россия делают акцент на подготовке наиболее уязвимых пограничных зон.
НАТО заявляет, что не стремится к конфронтации с Россией
Ria Novosti
друг с другом, и утверждает, что не стремится к конфронтации с РФ, говорится в коммюнике альянса. Ранее британский центр European Leadership Network выпустил доклад, в котором говорится, что НАТО и Россия
Russia ‘actively preparing’ for war in Europe, warns think tank
Daily Mail
The increasing scale and frequency of military exercises undertaken by Russia means Vladimir Putin is ‘actively preparing’ for war in Europe, a think tank has warned. Research that analysed two recent large-scale exercises by Russia and NATO found that …
Daily Mail
NATO, Russia War Games Fuel Risk of War, Think Tank Warns
New York Times
BRUSSELS — The increase in the scale and number of military exercises being undertaken by NATO and Russia is raising the danger of armed conflict in Europe, a think tank warned Wednesday.
Rysslands och Natos krigsövningar ökar risken för krig
Dagens Nyheter
De krigsövningar som Ryssland och Nato genomför kan öka risken för en sammandrabbning. Det varnar den Natosponsrade tankesmedjan European Leadership Network för i en ny rapport.
Russia and Nato ‘actively preparing for war’
Russia and Nato are actively preparing for war with one another amid the greatest build up of military tension in Europe since the end of the Cold War, a new report says. Rival exercises by the Russian armed forces and Nato have led to several near …
Cold War redux: Could war games spark a European conflict?
The Globe and Mail
War between Russia and the NATO alliance should be unthinkable. But a new study of recent military exercises suggests both powers are preparing for just that possibility. Researchers at a European think tank warned that while there was no evidence that …
Are NATO and Russian war games making real conflict more likely?
Los Angeles Times
Russia and NATO have each been staging military exercises designed to confront a threat from the other, raising the danger of an accidental collision or misunderstanding that could provoke actual war, European security analysts warn. See the most-read …
War games raise risk of Russia-NATO conflict
Even if Congress votes against the deal (and overrides a veto), Obama could halt many of the sanctions on his own. 12/8/15 9:48 AM CEST. War actually is an alternative to Iran deal. BY Philip Gordon. Of all the arguments President Barack Obama made …
NATO and Russia ‘Preparing For Conflict,’ Warns Report
The European Leadership Network (ELN), a London-based global security think tank, published a policy brief on Wednesday, warning that NATO and Russia appear to be preparing to go to war with one another. “Russia is preparing for a conflict with NATO, …
NATO, Russia War Games Fuel Risk of War, Think Tank Warns
The Moscow Times
Ian Kearns, director of the London-based European Leadership Network, told The Associated Press that the war games “are contributing to a climate of mistrust” that have “on occasion become the focal point for some quite close encounters between the …
Nato, Russia war games fuel risk of war, think tank warns
Times of India
BRUSSELS: The increase in the scale and number of military exercises being undertaken by Nato and Russia is making armed conflict in Europe more likely, a think tank warned Wednesday. Ian Kearns, director of the London-based European Leadership …
NATO Braces for Possible Military Conflict With Russia – Think-Tank
Sputnik International
A European defense think-tank policy analysis reveals that NATO and Russia are bracing for a possible military confrontation. MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Russia are bracing for a possible military confrontation, …
Пресса Британии: лакеи Путина повсюду
BBC Русская служба
BBC Online (Russian)
How America’s alliances could drag it into nuclear war with Russia or China
The Week Magazine
Last week the world commemorated the 70th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the only instances in which nuclear weapons have been used in wartime. A common warning is that the next time nukes are used could be the last.
Russia and Nato ‘heading for war’ with growing number of drills in Europe
The Independent
War games in Europe being conducted by Russia and Nato are more than just exercises and are themselves making a real conflict more likely, a study has warned. Experts from the London-based European Leadership Network (ELN) think-tank examined …
Russia, NATO Drills Fan Tensions as Europe on Edge, Group Says
Intensified military exercises by Russia and NATO are fueling tensions in Europe that have already been heightened by the conflict in Ukraine, a research group said. While Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization call the drills defensive …
Russia and NATO ‘actively preparing for war’: report
Washington Times
Tensions between Russia and NATO are at their highest since the end of the Cold War and the two may be ramping up for armed conflict with one another, a new report said…
Russia, NATO Preparing For War? Think Tank Suggests Military Exercises Make …
International Business Times
The changed profile of combat exercises suggests that Russia and NATO are heading for a real military confrontation, according to a report. In the picture, NATO’s Dynamic Mongoose anti-submarine exercise in the North Sea off the coast of Norway on May …
NATO, Russia war games fuel risk of war, think tank warns
The Seattle Times
BRUSSELS (AP) — The increase in the scale and number of military exercises being undertaken by NATO and Russia is raising the danger of armed conflict in Europe, a think tank warned Wednesday. Ian Kearns, director of the London-based European …
When is a Russian defensive exercise offensive?
Chicago Tribune
What were Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization up to when they conducted large-scale military exercises over the past year? A report published Wednesday ignores bland official explanations and concludes, based on what moved where during …
NATO preparing for possible military standoff with Russia: report
Europe Online Magazine
London (dpa) – NATO is preparing for a possible military standoff with Russia, while exercises on both sides are fuelling the existing climate of tensions, a London-based think tank said Wednesday, but the 28-member alliance rejected the claims. In a …
A dangerous time for Russia-NATO relations
The Japan Times
LONDON – What were Russia and NATO up to when they conducted large-scale military exercises over the past year? A report published Wednesday ignores bland official explanations and concludes, based on what moved where during the two maneuvers, …
NATO, Russia military drills fuel risk of war, study suggests
Fox News
A think tank warned Wednesday that an increase in the scale and number of military exercises undertaken by both NATO and Russia is increasing the chance of a European conflict. Ian Kearns, director of the London-based European Leadership Network, …
Russia and Nato war games fueling tensions, group warns
Irish Times
Intensified military exercises by Russia and Nato are fueling tensions in Europe that have already been heightened by the conflict in Ukraine, a research group said. While Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation call the drills defensive …
Russia, NATO Drills Fan Tensions as Europe on Edge, ELN Says
Bloomberg Business
While Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization call the drills defensive, they may treat each other’s actions “as provocative and deliberate aggravation,” worsening mistrust, according to a report….
Increased NATO, Russian Military Drills Raising Tensions
A Russian Army tank fires during a live-fire training exercise in the Kahabarovsk region on March 3. By RFE/RL. August 12, 2015. The increase in the scale and number of military exercises by NATO and Russia is making armed conflict in Europe more …
Russia readies for ‘war with west’
The Australian (blog)
Russia is preparing for war with Britain and its Nato allies, according to an analysis of Russian military exercises. The alert, from a European think tank, comes after Michael Fallon, the British defence secretary, warned on Tuesday that the conflict …
Russia and Nato rehearsing for war, report says
Russian and Nato drills indicate they are “preparing for a possible confrontation”, in a political climate which risks accidental war, a British think tank warns. The European Leadership Network (ELN), a London-based NGO, profiled a massive Russian …
Russia’s Offensive Defense
Bloomberg View
What were Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization up to when they conducted large-scale military exercises over the past year? A report published Wednesday ignores bland official explanations and concludes, based on what moved where during …
Russia ‘preparing for war’ against Britain and Nato as Ukraine conflict escalates
RUSSIA is gearing up for a war against Britain and Nato, according to alarming new claims.
NATO Denies It Is Making War More Likely In Europe
“NATO military exercises are not, as the reports suggest, making war in Europe more likely,” NATO spokeswoman Carmen Romero said after the European Leadership Network (ELN) published its assessment. “They are intended precisely to have the …
Think tank warns increase in NATO and Russian war games raising risk of armed …
European Leadership Network (ELN) director Ian Kearns said the war games are “are contributing to a climate of mistrust.” Kearns is a co-author of a study which found signs that Russia and NATO appear to be preparing for a possible confrontation.
Increased NATO, Russian military drills raising tensions
Journal of Turkish Weekly
Ian Kearns, director of the London-based European Leadership Network, said that war games “are contributing to a climate of mistrust” that have “on occasion become the focal point for some quite close encounters between the NATO and Russian militaries.”
World War 3 Fears Grow As NATO, Russia Increase Military Exercises
The Inquisitr
A new report has alleged that a global conflict is a genuine risk because of the increasing military exercises between Russia and NATO, and it’s even been feared that World War 3 could be provoked. This warning was made courtesy of a think tank, led by…
Россия и НАТО “готовятся к худшему”, считают аналитики
Moskovskij Komsomolets (Московский комсомолец)
Аналитики британского центра European Leadership Network увидели в участившихся крупномасштабных учениях России и НАТО угрозу войны. “Обе стороны явным образом тренируются с учетом возможностей противника и, по всей видимости, с планом военных действий в голове”, – утверждают авторы доклада.
Учения НАТО и России заставляют Европу думать о войне
Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Независимая газета)
… альянсу предложили договариваться о военных маневрах Европейский аналитический центр European Leadership Network (ELN) опубликовал доклад под названием: «Готовимся к худшему: Повышаю…
Analitycy: Rosja i NATO szykują się do wojny
Rzeczpospolita daily
Trwają “przygotowania na najgorsze”. Według analityków Rosja i NATO trenują przed wojną
Gazeta Wyborcza daily
Coraz więcej manewrów, wzrost napięcia. NATO i Rosja “przygotowują się na najgorsze”
TVN24 news channel
Військові маневри Росії і НАТО: чого очікувати?
«У короткій перспективі малоймовірно, що російські військові маневри якось вплинуть на збройний конфлікт в Україні» – британський дослідник Томас Фрір