On 17 February 2018 at the Munich Security Conference, the European Leadership Network (ELN) and the Federation of German Industries (BDI) hosted a high-level closed roundtable breakfast under the co-chairmanship of BDI President Prof. Dieter Kempf and ELN Chairman Lord Browne.
Participants came mainly from Germany, France, the United Kingdom, the EU institutions, NATO and European defence industry. The meeting considered the state of Franco-German defence collaboration and industrial cooperation, its impact on the rest of Europe, the relevance of the recent EU defence package, and future prospects.
Opening remarks were given by Sir Julian King, EU Commissioner for the Security Union; Dr Katrin Suder, State Secretary, German Federal Ministry of Defence; and Prof. François Heisbourg, Chairman of IISS and the Geneva Center for Security Policy.
Both organisations are grateful for the outstanding quality of the speakers and participants and for their many excellent contributions. The ELN is delighted to have further strengthened its engagement on European Defence and European defence industry. A Chatham House rule version of this fascinating discussion is here.